Here are some Videos of miscellaneous content
Live Video Feed of parts as they are being printed.
I have placed a webcam one one of my 3D printers so I can monitor parts being printed when I am away from the machines.
Since most people who order my products are very curious about 3D printing technology,
Customers will now get an e-mail notification when their order is being 3D printed with a hyperlink to this live feed so they can see their order being manufactured.
Anyone can check this live feed anytime to see if any parts are being printed on this one machine.
Click on the 3D Printer T.V. Icon below to check it out.
Since most people who order my products are very curious about 3D printing technology,
Customers will now get an e-mail notification when their order is being 3D printed with a hyperlink to this live feed so they can see their order being manufactured.
Anyone can check this live feed anytime to see if any parts are being printed on this one machine.
Click on the 3D Printer T.V. Icon below to check it out.
Tether Ring for The waterproof MAKRO pin pointer
Here is a video showing the tether ring for the new Makro waterproof pin pointer. I am still getting use to this pin pointer. It seems to work very good so far.
You can order one by clicking here...
You can order one by clicking here...
New 3d printed products that change color with temperature
I have been testing new ABS filament that changes colors with temperature. At room temperature it is green. When it warms up to around 80 degrees, it changes to yellow. This video demonstrates the tether ring with built in jewelers loupe and customized text printed in this most unique color changing material. Visit the store on this webpage to get one of the most innovative and unique metal detecting accessories on the market.
Tether Ring Installation Instructional Video
This video shows how to install the tether ring. During the installation process I cover some general pin-pointer maintenance that I find helpful. Along the way you may discover some hints tip and tricks to getting the most out of your tether ring setup. The second half covers removing the battery cap with the tether ring installed.
Customer product ReviewCTX3030 camera mount product review from Josh Kimmel. Check out all of Josh's videos and subscribe to his youtube channel.
Josh also hosts a weekly internet radio show dedicated to metal detecting. You can listen live every Wednesday at 7pm CDT or listen to the archives anytime you want. |
3 Ringer Mould. Going to test printing this mould and casting some wax bullets that will used to make silver and gold bullets.
Printing Bullets and DISPLAY STANDS
Product review by an avid detectorist.
The video below spotlights the NEW Garrett Pro-pointer Tether ring with built in 30x jewelers loop.
The Video below shows how the 3d Printer manufactures the E-Trac Clamp. Layer by layer (135 times) until it is completed.
The Video below is a Time Lapse of an actual 3d printed shaft clamp being manufactured.
The Video below shows the early evolution of a better gopro frame and clamp mount
The Video below was the strangest find I ever found. There is no way this should have been here much less in the great shape it was.
The steady shots were filmed with a detector mounted camera. These detector mounted camera systems turn your detector into a Tripod you can orient anyway imaginable to allow for hands free recording of your discoveries.
The steady shots were filmed with a detector mounted camera. These detector mounted camera systems turn your detector into a Tripod you can orient anyway imaginable to allow for hands free recording of your discoveries.